
Stoltenberg and Duda discuss russia's war against Ukraine

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NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg and Polish President Duda discussed russia's war against Ukraine, noting Ukraine's dire need for ammunition and the importance of continued military support from NATO allies despite russia's heavy losses.

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg and Polish President Andrzej Duda discussed  russia's aggressive war against Ukraine. Stoltenberg noted that the situation remains difficult and  Ukraine is in dire need of ammunition. He said this at their joint press conference, reports UNN with reference to the Alliance's website.  


During a joint press conference with Duda, Stoltenberg said that during their meeting they reviewed russia's aggressive war against Ukraine.

Despite russia's heavy losses, Putin has not abandoned his military goals. The situation remains difficult, and Ukraine is in dire need of ammunition. Every day, delays in the US Congress lead to real consequences on the battlefield

- Stoltenberg said.

He reminded that in the morning he had published the results of the latest poll from across the Alliance.

Which shows that two-thirds of our citizens - on both sides of the Atlantic - want their country to continue to support Ukraine. We also know that the overwhelming majority in Congress is in favor of continued support. Now we need to see this public and political support translated into votes as soon as possible

- Stoltenberg said.   

He emphasized that by showing courage and creativity, Ukraine has shown that the russian army can be defeated.

In addition, Stoltenberg wrote in X about his meeting with Duda.  

I had a good meeting with President Andrzej Duda. I thanked him for Poland's key contribution to NATO and its strong support for Ukraine. Together we can provide Ukraine with what it needs. Now it's up to all Allies to show real political will, dig deep and deliver results quickly

- Stoltenberg wrote in X.

Переважна частина населення країн НАТО підтримує військову допомогу Україні14.03.24, 13:58


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