
Situation with electricity in TOT of Heroson region is critical - JMA spokesman

 • 46825 переглядiв

There is a critical shortage of electricity in the TOT of Kherson region, entire communities are without electricity, and no one is solving this problem.

The situation with electricity is critical in the temporarily occupied territories of Kherson region, with entire communities without electricity. This was stated by the spokesman of the Kherson Regional State Administration Oleksandr Tolokonnikov during a telethon, UNN reports

It is a very difficult situation. We receive reports that entire communities are without electricity. The situation was critical in terms of heat supply and firewood delivery. No one was dealing with it. People are trying to call the local dispatch to leave requests, but no one picks up the phone

-  said Oleksandr Tolokonnikov.

According to him, people in the TOT are worried that they will be without electricity for a month . He noted that this had already happened in the fall, when the wind broke the wires, people were without electricity for almost two weeks.

"The problem is more global now, and people realize that no one (from the occupiers - ed.) needs them," said the RMA spokesman. 

На Харківщині за 200 метрів від бригади енергетиків вибухнула авіабомба09.01.24, 11:45

Tatiana Kraevskaya



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