
She recorded the objects of Ukrainian troops and sent them to the occupiers: enemy informant detained

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In Mykolaiv region, the Security Service of Ukraine detained a woman who secretly recorded the locations of Ukrainian troops and transmitted information to the Russian military through an anonymous chat room. The woman was caught trying to pass on intelligence that could have exposed the troops' movements.

Counterintelligence specialists detected another informant of the Russian special services who was reconnoitering the locations of the Defense Forces in Mykolaiv region and sending information to the enemy via anonymous chat. She was exposed on an attempt to carry out an intelligence task by changing the location of Ukrainian troops in advance  .

This was reported by UNN with reference to the press service of the SBU.


According to the SBU, the offender went around the area and covertly recorded the objects of Ukrainian troops, and also used her friends in the dark, asking them for the "necessary" information under the guise of confidential conversations. The informant sent the information she received in a popular messenger through an anonymous chat to the Russian special services.

According to official information, SBU specialists exposed the offender at the initial stage of her subversive activities - her actions were documented step by step and she was detained while trying to carry out an intelligence task. It is noted that it was possible to timely inform the command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and thereby change the places of temporary deployment and movement of Ukrainian troops.

Удар по Яворівському полігону: СБУ викрила пособника рф, який допоміг завербувати коригувальника 26.01.24, 13:11

According to the investigation, the detainee is a local resident, an ideological supporter of racism, who, after the start of the full-scale invasion of Russia, supported the actions of the occupiers on social networks, and at that time came to the attention of the Russian special services, which engaged her in cooperation.

Currently, SBU investigators have served her with a notice of suspicion under Part 2 of Article 114-2 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine - the traitor faces up to 8 years in prison, and she is currently in custody.

Зрадники, які коригували обстріли по Харкову та Донеччині, проведуть за ґратами 8 та 10 років25.01.24, 17:33


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