
Scandals in NABU compromise the body and call into question the objectivity of the cases being investigated

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The National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine regularly reports on exposure of current or former officials to corruption. Despite high-profile suspicions, detentions and charges, NABU cases are falling apart in the courts. After all, the body itself may be compromised, which is prompted by the latest scandal regarding the leakage of information from the Bureau, writes UNN

"High-profile" cases against high-ranking officials now do not surprise anyone. However, the revelations of anti-corruption officials themselves in violation of the law cause a public outcry. Recently, NABU director Serhiy Kryvonos suspended his first deputy Gizo Uglava from performing his duties for the duration of the pre-trial investigation of a possible information leak. Experts in the comments UNN noted that if Uglava really "leaked information", then this is definitely corruption. It is obvious that this scandal will hurt the already not impeccable reputation of NABU and trust in this body.

It is worth noting that the competence of the head included elite anti-corruption units, the main activity of which is the fight against the legalization of illegal income and financial crimes. This means that there are even more questions about the "high-profile" revelations of NABU.

Among the latest "high-profile cases" of the NABU, which raises more and more questions, is the criminal proceedings against the former minister of Agrarian Policy Mykola Solsky. The circumstances of seven years ago, which are mentioned in this case, relate to the period of Solsky's legal activity, when he helped the ATO participants get land plots.

People's deputies in the comments UNN noted that they were not convinced by the evidence of NABU and SAPO in the Solsky case and suggested that the criminal proceedings could be political persecution. Experts also pointed out that the suspicion of the minister coincided with the government's initiative to liquidate the Ministry of Agricultural Policy.

In addition, it is surprising that the Poles took advantage of the NABU case against the village and, citing "corruption", withdrew from the negotiations. some experts are inclined to believe that this was intended and the rural business did not accidentally coincide with the demarche of the Poles, who meanwhile are rapidly increasing their exports to Belarus.

Another striking example of political motivation, according to experts, can be the case of Deputy Minister of Agricultural Policy Taras Vysotsky. Detectives accuse him of the fact that at the beginning of the war, in March 2022, Vysotsky provided food to the region at inflated prices. Such accusations again angered experts. They said that it is absurd to count prices in a market that did not exist, because in the first months of the war, all retail chains stopped, and all Ukrainians are witnessing this.

Another significant case may be the "high-profile case" against former Infrastructure Minister Vladimir Omelyan. In June 2020, NABU detectives announced the ex-minister on suspicion of committing illegal actions that led to a shortfall in the state budget of UAH 30.5 million. Omelyan himself then stated that the case against him has a political background and was open because of his criticism of the actions of the authorities. Already in November 2020, the NABU sent this case to the court. However, during the trial, this case quickly collapsed and the Supreme Anti-Corruption Court acquitted Vladimir Omelyan.

Therefore, such scandals in the NABU obviously compromise the anti-corruption body itself and the logical question arises whether the authorities should consider the possibility of resetting it.


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