
Restrictions on electricity are in effect during the day, bad weather caused blackouts, power engineers came under fire in east - Ministry of energy

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Due to bad weather, 68 settlements were de-energized, a team of power engineers came under fire in the Donetsk region, and during the day in Ukraine there are restrictions on the supply of electricity, while significant, but less than the day before, electricity imports are expected.

In Ukraine today electricity supply restrictions are applied during the day, and electricity imports are expected to be significant, but less than the day before. Due to bad weather, 68 settlements in the Donetsk region were de-energized.a team of power engineers came under fire. This was reported on Tuesday in the Ministry of energy, writes UNN.

Generation and consumption

Over the past day, the needs of consumers were covered by their own generation and commercial imports.

Today, restrictions on domestic and industrial consumers are applied throughout the day throughout Ukraine.


In the western region, a high-voltage overhead line was disconnected. During the inspection, a freshly cut tree was found in the girder of the supports. The tree was removed, and the line was put into operation.

In the Odessa region, a high-voltage substation was disconnected for technological reasons, as a result of which local industry and electric transport were de-energized. The reason for the shutdown is being investigated.

In the Mykolaiv region, the overhead line of regional power companies was briefly disconnected, while household consumers were de-energized. Everyone is healed.

Emergency situations

In the Donetsk region, a regional power company brigade came under fire while repairing an overhead line. Fortunately, no one was injured. Power engineers completed the work and left the dangerous place.

In the Lviv region, ventilation equipment stopped at one of the mines due to a voltage drop. There were 43 employees in the mine, who were notified of the situation. Within 1.5 hours, the ventilation equipment was put into operation.

Bad weather

Due to bad weather, 48 settlements in the Lviv region and 20 in the Sumy region were de – energized in the morning.

Situation at ZNPP

The water level in the cooling pond is 15.21 m. this is enough to meet the needs of the station.

Import and export

For the current day, electricity imports are projected at 23,952 MWh. No export is expected.


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