
Rating of trust in law enforcement agencies: who topped the list and who is not trusted

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The National Guard, the Security Service of Ukraine, and the State Border Guard Service are the most trusted law enforcement agencies among Ukrainian citizens. Ukrainians trust the judiciary the least. This is evidenced by the results of a survey by the sociological group “Rating”, reports UNN


According to the survey, the National Guard has the highest level of trust among law enforcement agencies: 86% of respondents expressed trust, compared to 72% in 2023. It is followed by the SBU with 73%, which has 14% more trust than last year.  

Other services, such as the State Border Guard Service, are trusted by 54% of respondents, while 42% of respondents distrust it to some extent. Both the National Police and the Ministry of Internal Affairs have 48% of people's trust, while 51% and 38% of respondents distrust them respectively. 

According to the survey results, the level of trust in the National Police has slightly decreased: in 2023, the share of those who trust the National Police was 56%.

The State Bureau of Investigation is trusted by 45%, while 50% express distrust. The National Anti-Corruption Bureau, the Prosecutor General's Office, and the State Customs Service have approximately the same level of trust - about 33%. While more than 60% of respondents do not trust these institutions. 

The lowest level of trust is in the judiciary: only 25% express trust and 72% distrust. 

For reference 

The survey was conducted from September 24 to 29, 2024, by telephone interviews using a computer, with a sample of 2,000 respondents representing the adult population of Ukraine (excluding the temporarily occupied territories and territories without Ukrainian mobile communications). The margin of error is 2.2% with a confidence level of 0.95.   

Зеленський увів у дію рішення РНБО про створення Сил безпілотних систем у структурі ЗСУ 26.06.24, 09:10


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