
"Problems with the manufacture of missiles": Yevlash explains why the intensity of Kalibr use has decreased

 • 16415 переглядiв

The Russians have started using fewer Kalibr missiles to strike Ukraine, likely due to problems with their production caused by sanctions.

The Russians have started to use less Kalibr missiles for strikes on Ukraine, which is most likely due to problems with their production due to sanctions. Air Force spokesman Ilya Yevlash said this during a telethon, according to a UNN correspondent.

This issue needs to be studied in more detail. We need more intelligence for this, but most likely they have some problems with the manufacture and use of these missiles. We see that now they are mostly using X-59 and X-69 missiles for their air attacks. During combined attacks, they also use cruise missiles and more powerful missiles such as the "Dagger"

- Yevlash said.

He added that Kalibr missiles were most often used from the Black Sea.

The last time about a week ago, the enemy did use Kalibr, but as we have already noted, the intensity of their use has dropped quite a bit. Of course, we need to investigate this information more, as it may have something to do with sanctions, their strategic vision, or perhaps they are saving them. We have to watch and react according to the operational situation

- Yevlash added.


That night, the occupiers did not use ballistic, guided, cruise or kamikaze missiles or drones to strike at Ukraine. The enemy mainly attacked the frontline territories with guided aerial bombs.

СБУ повідомила про підозру гендиректору найбільшого виробника російських "Калібрів"29.04.24, 16:26


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