
Precipitation and from 8° below zero to 7° above zero: weather forecast for tomorrow

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Snow, sleet and rain are expected in Ukraine, with temperatures ranging from -8°C to +7°C; ice on the roads.

Tomorrow in most regions of Ukraine there will be snow, sleet, rain in the south and east, with temperatures ranging from 8 degrees below zero to 7 degrees above zero, and up to 10 degrees below zero in the Carpathians, the Ukrainian Weather Center told UNN.


According to weather forecasters, on January 16, it will rain in the southern part of Ukraine, rain during the day in Donetsk and Luhansk regions, with sleet at night, temperatures at night from 3° C to 2° C, and 2-7° C during the day.

In the central, Kharkiv, and Sumy regions, there will be snow, with rain during the day, ice, sleet, and temperatures at night and during the day from 3° Celsius to 2° Celsius.

In the rest of the country, there will be light snow in some places, with temperatures at night of 3-8° Celsius and during the day of 0-5° Celsius.

There is ice on the roads.

The wind is mostly northwest, 7-12 m/s, with gusts of 15-20 m/s in the western and eastern regions.

It's snowing in the Carpathians, with temperatures of 5-10° Celsius at night and during the day.

Weather in the capital region

Tomorrow in Kyiv region there will be light snow in some places. There will be ice on the roads. Wind will be mostly northwest, 7-12 m/s. The temperature in the region at night will be 3-8° below zero, during the day 0-5° below zero; in Kyiv at night 3-5° below zero, during the day 1-3° below zero.

Погода у Києві побила 40-річний рекорд21.12.23, 16:56

Julia Shramko



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