
Planned blackouts are possible until the end of summer - Ukrainian distribution networks

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Planned power outages are possible in Ukraine until the end of summer due to the need for repairs at nuclear power plants, acting general director of Ukrainian distribution networks Artem Martynyuk has said.

In Ukraine, planned power outages are possible until the end of summer. This was announced by Acting General Director of Ukrainian distribution networks Artem Martynyuk  on the air of the telethon on Thursday, the correspondent of UNN reports.


"Indeed, two nuclear power units have been repaired, so the situation has improved slightly. But despite this, let me remind you that after the last attacks, we had 8 gigawatts of maneuvering power damaged. These are mainly thermal power plants, so the situation in the energy sector remains consistently difficult," Martyniuk said.

According to him, today the main burden is borne by nuclear power plants.

"We have four of them. One of them - Zaporizhia-is under occupation and does not work for the United energy system of Ukraine. Increasing peaks of loads are covered by emergency assistance and the import of electric electricity," Martynyuk said.

He noted that Ukraine now does not export electricity anywhere – this is a hostile ICAO.

About planned outages. Now there are three nuclear power plants that remain - we need to reload fuel in them during the summer period, so they will be switched off alternately for these technological works. Therefore, planned blackouts are possible until the end of summer

- said Martynyuk.

30 травня в Україні не планується відключень електроенергії - Укренерго29.05.24, 18:37


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