
Parliamentary VSK will check fortifications on the border with Belarus: MP told details

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A temporary special commission of the Verkhovna Rada will check the construction of fortifications on the border with Belarus in Volyn, Rivne, Zhytomyr, Kiev and Sumy regions, as well as the use of funds allocated for fortifications and engineering barriers on the contact line.

The temporary special commission of the Verkhovna Rada on the use of state budget funds of Ukraine aimed at the construction of fortifications and engineering barriers on the contact line will check the construction of fortifications on the border with Belarus. This was stated on the air of Radio Liberty by the deputy chairman of the VSK, people's deputy from the "Batkivshchyna" Mikhail Tsymbalyuk, reports UNN.

"We plan to check the fortifications that were built on the borders with the state of Belarus. These are Volyn, Rivne, Zhytomyr and Kiev regions. And then Sumy went further. That is, we will also check there," says Tsymbalyuk.

In the near future, according to him, members of the VSK will talk with the head of the Kharkiv RMA about fortifications in the Kharkiv region – this is one of the regions where there are comments on the construction of fortifications, and in this connection the Parliament created the VSK.

"Усе було, можливо, не так щільно" - голова Вовчанської МВА про фортифікації на Харківщині13.05.24, 11:27

"What is available, we have not only Kharkiv region, we have alarm signals from other regions. And our task is to check that information and establish the truth. Where it is confirmed, then react harshly, and where it is inaccurate information, refute it.Because this is a very sensitive topic, and we are well aware that most of these materials have a degree of limited state secrets. So that this information, which is voiced by members of the VSK, is not used by the enemy," Tsymbalyuk said.

Прорив ворога на Харківщині: ДБР розслідує дії командування 125 бригади25.05.24, 15:00

He noted that the first line of fortifications was built by the military, and the second and third – by civilian contractors, with whose representatives deputies are now communicating.

Понад 30 млрд грн: Шмигаль назвав цьогорічну суму спрямованих на фортифікації та оборонні рубежі грошей04.03.24, 13:19

"The military provided, as they say, albums for this purpose. That is, Maps and technical documentation for the construction of these complex structures. We plan to attract experts for a real assessment of the cost of both materials, where the price of one building material sometimes fluctuates several times, and the performance of work. Understanding the risks that those people who performed these works still had," Tsymbalyuk said, adding that the work continues today.   


The Verkhovna Rada on May 22 voted for the resolution on the creation of a temporary special commission on the use of budget funds for the construction of fortifications and engineering barriers on the contact line, as well as for the manufacture and purchase of drones for the Defense Forces. The commission, among other things, should study the circumstances regarding the arrangement of fortifications, engineering barriers on the contact line and the intended use of funds allocated for their arrangement.   


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