
Nine states spent more than $91 billion to modernize nuclear arsenals in 2023

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In 2023, the nine nuclear powers spent a total of $91 billion on their nuclear arsenals, with the United States accounting for more than half of this amount - $51.5 billion.

In 2023, nine nuclear powers spent a total of $91 billion on their arsenals. The United States accounted for more than half of this amount. russia spent $8.3 billion on its nuclear arsenal last year. This was reported by the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) in a new report, UNN writes with reference to Deutsche Welle.


Over the past five years, nuclear-armed states have increased spending on nuclear weapons by one-third, modernizing their arsenals amid growing geopolitical tensions.

According to ICAN, the nine nuclear powers - the United States, China, India, russia, France, the United Kingdom, Israel, Pakistan, and North Korea - spent $91 billion on nuclear arsenals last year, with the United States accounting for more than half of this amount - $51.5 billion. China is in second place by a wide margin ($11.8 billion). Russia is in third place ($8.3 billion).

Були залучені всі ресурси, щоб не допустити ядерної катастрофи через агресію рф - президент Іспанії15.06.24, 20:20

It is noted that in 2023, spending on nuclear weapons increased by $10.8 billion worldwide, with the lion's share of this amount coming from the United States. Spending on nuclear weapons in the UK has been increasing for the second year in a row (+17%) and amounted to $8.1 billion last year. Spending in France, India, Israel, Pakistan, and the DPRK increased by more than 33% from $68.2 billion in 2018, when ICAN prepared its first report.

Since then, the nuclear powers have spent a total of $387 billion on nuclear arsenals, according to ICAN.


In 2017, the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for its key role in the development of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, which entered into force in 2021. Alisha Sanders-Zacre, co-author of the ICAN report, said that "instead of investing in Armageddon, the nine nuclear-armed states should follow the example of nearly half the world's countries and join this agreement, thereby making a real contribution to global security.

НАТО веде переговори про приведення ядерної зброї у стан бойової готовності на фоні загроз з боку рф та Китаю17.06.24, 02:51


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