
NATO to open post in Kyiv to bolster aid to Ukraine, given 'Trump's arrival' - WSJ

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NATO will establish a permanent presence in Kyiv to enhance long-term military assistance to Ukraine.

NATO will deploy a senior official to Kyiv as part of a series of new measures aimed at strengthening its long-term support for Ukraine. The decisions will be announced at a summit in Washington next week, U.S. and alliance officials say. Writes UNN with reference to The Wall Street Journal.


NATO will establish a permanent presence in Kyiv with an office and its own senior civilian official in a series of measures designed to "cement" long-term military support for Ukraine.  According to U.S. and NATO officials, the decision is part of a series of new arrangements expected to be announced next week at a summit in Washington.

Союзники по НАТО намагаються домовитися про довгострокове фінансування для України - Bloomberg27.06.24, 13:00

The decision also takes into account the likely election victory of former US President Donald Trump. In addition, the background and likely impact of the growing popularity of right-wing parties in Europe is also taken into account.

НАТО готує нову об'єднану місію військової допомоги Україні - NYT27.06.24, 14:26


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