
Mobilization of convicts: in Khmelnitsky region, the court allowed the first prisoners to serve in the National Guard

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On Tuesday, May 21, the Khmelnitsky City District Court granted the first decisions on conditional early release of convicts from serving their sentences for military service in the Defense Forces. This is reported by UNN with reference to the court's statement.


The court received two submissions from the state institution "Khmelnitsky pre-trial detention center". 

Both convicts expressed a desire to perform military service under a contract that meets the requirements for military service under a contract defined in Article 21-5 of the law of Ukraine "on military duty and military service".

Мобілізація ув'язнених: Зеленський підписав закон17.05.24, 15:38

The court said that the volunteers are young men, born in 2000 and 1981. Both were convicted, in particular, of theft under Article 185 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine before the war, in October and November 2022, respectively, for 4 years and 9 months and 5 years and 5 months.

At the same time, each of the men is fit for military service for health reasons, has passed professional and psychological selection, and has a sufficient level of physical fitness to perform the duties assigned to them now.

These petitions (for parole for service in the armed forces of Ukraine-ed. ) were granted by the court and ordered the state institution "Khmelnitsky pre - trial detention center" immediately, but not later than 24 hours after the entry into force of the decisions, to release men on parole from serving their sentences for military service under a contract. Also-to transfer the men to the units of the National Guard of Ukraine, delivering them to the Khmelnitsky United City territorial Center for recruitment and social support for signing a contract and military service

- summed up in the Department. 


The court also decided to impose administrative supervision on the men  for a period of  one horn, but not longer than until their dismissal from military service. Such supervision will be carried out  by the commanders of the military unit in which they will perform military service under the contract.

Among the restrictions is a ban on being outside the location of a military unit and traveling on personal business without the permission of the commander.

The court also added that today, on May 22, 50 applications for conditional early release of convicts from serving their sentences for military service are being considered at once. 


Deputy Minister of Justice of Ukraine Olena Vysotskaya said that already more than 3 thousand convicts have applied for military service.

У ВР сподіваються, що близько 3-7 тис. засуджених погодяться воювати18.05.24, 11:35


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