
March 4: Birthday of the microphone, Tennis Day

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Today, on March 4, professional performers and singing enthusiasts around the world celebrate the birthday of the microphone. It was on March 4, 1877, that American inventor Emil Berliner patented the world's first microphone.

Today, on March 4, professional performers and singing enthusiasts around the world celebrate the birthday of the microphone, UNN reports.

It was on March 4, 1877, that American inventor Emil Berliner patented the world's first microphone.

Interestingly, the year before, another American inventor, Alexander Bell, presented his prototype microphone, but decided not to continue improving his device.

Berliner's microphone  was made on carbon rods and this "carbon microphone" was used for recording and performing music for a quarter of a century. In 1942, the ribbon microphone was invented in America, and later the condenser microphone. The microphone went through many stages of improvement until we saw it in the 21st century as familiar and convenient.

Today, engineers are using the properties and vibrations of locust ears and mosquito antennas to create very sensitive microphones.

All sports fans can join the World Tennis Day today.

It is believed that tennis originated in monasteries in northern France in the twelfth century. Initially, tennis was played on an hourglass-shaped court.

Before tennis players started using rackets, people hit the ball with the palm of their hand through the net.

Prototypes of modern rackets were first used in the sixteenth century. Yellow tennis balls were first used in 1986. Until then, they were white.

Despite the difficult situation due to Russian aggression, Ukraine is experiencing a real boom in women's tennis, with nine Ukrainian athletes ranked in the top 200 in the world.

Today you can still join the World Engineering Day. This event was created by a UN resolution that proclaimed 17 goals for continuous and sustainable development in the areas of economy, social relations, environmental stability, and world peace. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of engineering in achieving these goals, as it is the representatives of this profession who are able to implement the necessary systematic and technological solutions

Energy, water resources, the system of towns and villages, and the fight against natural disasters and emergencies are just a small list of the areas of human activity that need to be addressed.

Also, on March 4, many countries around the world celebrate World Obesity Day.

According to statistics, about 30% of the world's population is overweight.

Overweight increases the risk of developing blood vessels and heart disease, diabetes mellitus, and musculoskeletal disorders

Every year, up to three million people die from diseases caused by obesity.

According to the church calendar, today is the Day of Remembrance of St. Gerasimus of Jordan.

According to legend, Gerasim was born in Lycia into a wealthy family, and from a young age he decided to devote his life to serving the Lord.

Gerasym made a pilgrimage to Palestine, lived as a hermit in the desert for a long time, and later founded a monastery.

For his humility and devotion, he received the gift of prophecy from the Lord.

Gerasym, Danylo, Heorhii, Yurii, and Yuliia celebrate their name days on March 4.

Zakhar Podkidyshev

UNN Lite


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