
Macron confirms to Zelenskyy his participation in the Peace Summit, discusses the situation in Kharkiv sector

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Zelenskyy and Macron discussed Ukraine's defense needs, France's military assistance, and coordinated positions on the upcoming Peace Summit in Switzerland, where Macron confirmed his participation.

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy and French President Emmanuel Macron had a conversation where Macron confirmed to Zelenskyy that he would participate in the Peace Summit in Switzerland, UNN reports.

I spoke with Emmanuel Macron and thanked him for confirming his participation in the Peace Summit. I highly appreciate the important role of France in the implementation of the Peace Formula, in particular the nuclear security clause. We discussed the importance of encouraging the countries of the Global South to participate in the Summit and coordinated positions on this issue

- wrote Zelensky in X.

According to him, the parties also reviewed in detail the situation at the front, particularly in the Kharkiv sector.

"We paid special attention to Ukraine's defense needs, in particular, additional air defense equipment, artillery, long-range vehicles and ammunition. I thanked President Macron for France's strong defense assistance to Ukraine and invited him to visit our country in the near future," Zelenskyy said.


President Volodymyr Zelenskyy reportedthat the main issues to be discussed during the Peace Summit in Switzerland include the possibility of an "all-for-all" exchange, the return of abducted children and deported Ukrainians to Ukraine, and nuclear safety.

On June 15-16, the Swiss government intends to hold a high-level conference to seek ways to achieve peace in Ukraine. President Zelenskyy suggests that Russia may disrupt the Peace Summit. For his part, the head of the Presidential Administration, Andriy Yermak, said that Russia will not participate in the Global Peace Summit, and this is Ukraine's principled position.

The countries participating in the Peace Summit to be held on June 15-16 in Switzerland will develop a common negotiating position and submit it to Russia.


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