
Locals in the occupied territories of Ukraine refuse to switch to Russian - National Resistance Center

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The local population in the Russian-occupied territories of Ukraine refuses to switch to Russian, which frustrates the occupation authorities, who are considering creating language courses to force Ukrainians to improve their Russian.

The occupation authorities of the Russian Federation are dissatisfied with the fact that the local population in the occupied territories of Ukraine does not switch to the Russian language. This is reported by the Center of National Resistance, UNN reports .


It is noted that in the temporarily occupied territories, the population does not switch to Russian when communicating with touring artists from Russia.

Moreover , the Russian occupation administrations of the Kherson region received complaints from touring doctors from Russia that during forced examinations of villagers on the left bank of the Dnipro River, local residents did not switch to Russian.

Thus, the ROA considered the option of creating language courses for Ukrainians to improve the "general level of the native language"

- the National Resistance Center said. 

They emphasize that such a situation demonstrates well the "liberators" and their stories about "native Russian territories.


The results of a poll by the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology show that the majority of Ukrainians favor the complete elimination of the Russian language from official communication after a full-scale Russian invasion in February 2022.


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