
ISW: Enemy reconnaissance UAVs can fly deep into Ukrainian rear

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Russian troops can conduct reconnaissance with the help of drones in the rear areas of Ukraine due to the lack of air defense in Ukraine.

Russian troops can conduct reconnaissance with the help of drones in the deep rear due to the lack of air defense in Ukraine, the Institute for the Study of War (ISW) writes in its new report , reports UNN

On May 14, the Royal United Services Institute for Defense Studies (RUSI) reported that Ukraine was forced to reduce the supply of anti-aircraft missile systems, which allowed Russian reconnaissance drones to fly freely into the rear areas, in particular over Kharkiv, and optimize the reconnaissance firepower of Russian troops. 

рф зазнає втрат: 1410 військовослужбовців загинули за добу17.05.24, 07:49

RUSI believes that the decline in the supply of air defense systems to Ukraine is forcing Kyiv to make increasingly difficult decisions between deploying air defense systems on critical infrastructure in the rear areas or on the front lines. 

The Institute for Defense Studies  notes that previously well-equipped Ukrainian forces were able to limit the capabilities of Russian intelligence. 

The report states that Russian forces conducted a large-scale air campaign against Kharkiv as part of their offensive operations in the Kharkiv region  and used precision-guided bombing to enable Russian ground forces to maneuver in the region. 

Russian troops, in particular, used planning bombs for tactical purposes during the capture of Avdiivka. 

Ukrainian forces need Western-supplied air defense interceptors to destroy Russian reconnaissance drones in the rear and on the front and to defeat optimized Russian air defense systems that ensure Russia's tactical success on the front

- ISW indicated. 

У росії бракує сил для стратегічного прориву на Харківщині - командувач військ НАТО16.05.24, 21:49


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