
In Transcarpathia, the owner of a hotel settled men, and then helped them illegally cross the border

 • 102003 переглядiв

The owner of a hotel in Transcarpathia was detained for illegally helping Ukrainian men of military age cross the border with Slovakia for money.

Operatives of the chop border detachment exposed the scheme of illegal transfer of Ukrainian citizens of military age across the state border. This is reported by the state border service of Ukraine, reports UNN.


A local resident – the owner of a hotel complex located in the border area-was involved in illegal activities. The man through social networks was looking for those who wanted to illegally move to Slovakia. He met his "clients" when they arrived in Transcarpathia, settled them in his own hotel and delivered them to the border himself.

The lawyer and his client were detained on the outskirts of the village of Novoselitsa, Uzhgorod district. At the time of his arrest, the latter managed to transfer a monetary reward for the transfer in the amount of 1 1,000 to the organizer of the scheme. The smuggler was supposed to receive another 7 7,000 in case of successful completion of the transaction.

Law enforcement officers conducted an inspection of the scene, as a result of which they seized money, the ferry's vehicle, his mobile phones and draft records.

The person involved in the case was detained in accordance with Article 208 of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine. He was informed of suspicion of committing a criminal offense under Part 3 of Article 332 of the Criminal Code. The issue of choosing a preventive measure for the Transcarpathian is being resolved.

Investigative actions are continuing.

Ошукали громадян країн ЄС на мільйони гривень: на Закарпатті затримали членів шахрайського колцентру05.06.24, 17:02


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