
In the US states affected by Hurricane Helene, many residents are without running water, cellular phone service and electricit

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After Hurricane Helene devastated the southeastern United States almost a week ago, mountain dwellers in western North Carolina are turning to old-fashioned methods of communication and survival.

Writes UNN with reference to apnews and tv5monde.

Many residents of North and South Carolina are still without water supply, mobile communication and electricity. At the same time, rescuers were searching for people who went missing after Hurricane Helene caused catastrophic damage to the southeastern United States and killed at least 166 people.

In Black Mountain, in the town square, local leaders stood around a picnic table and shouted out news about when power might be restored. One woman took notes to pass on to her neighbors. Next to the fence, a makeshift bulletin board listed the names of people still missing

- reports the Associated Press.

At the same time, in other areas, mules delivered medicines to houses on the tops of mountains, and residents collected water from streams and cooked on camp stoves.

U.S. President Joe Biden and his Vice President Kamala Harris visited the states affected by Hurricane Helene. Arriving early on Wednesday afternoon, Biden traveled to South Carolina; then the US president went to the neighboring state of North Carolina, which was hit hardest.

"What I saw there broke my heart... But on the ground, we saw neighbors helping neighbors, volunteers and staff standing side by side, and people leaning on each other. This is America," Joe Biden said on X.


UNN previously reported that Hurricane Helene in the United States has already claimed the lives of 128 people.

Search and rescue teams work in the mountainous regions of North Carolina after Hurricane Helene. The hurricane has killed at least 140 people in six states, with the death toll expected to rise.

У Мексиці під час шторму "Джон" щонайменше 22 людини загинули29.09.24, 01:06


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