
Hungarian parliament votes in favor of Sweden's accession to NATO, it is unclear whether acting President Laszlo Kever will sign the document

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The Hungarian parliament voted 188 to 6 in favor of Sweden's accession to NATO, approving Sweden's membership in the alliance. However, the law still needs to be signed by the President of the Republic before it can enter into force.

The Hungarian Parliament has officially voted in favor of Sweden's membership in NATO. This was reported by the Hungarian publication, according to UNN.


649 days after Sweden officially applied to join NATO, and 592 days after Zsolt Semien submitted the Swedish and Finnish application to the parliament, the decision was finally approved.

188 votes in favor and 6 against - these are the results of the vote in the Hungarian parliament in favor of Sweden becoming a member of the North Atlantic Alliance.

The journalists reminded that the reasons for postponing the vote were extremely diverse : from the parliament's preoccupation with Brussels, public consultations to "serious debates" in the Fidesz faction. Although Peter Szijjártó promised that Hungarians would not be the last to ratify Sweden's accession to the alliance, in practice it turned out that way.

Before the vote, they managed to force the Swedish prime minister to leave for Budapest, but after overcoming internal disputes in the Fidesz faction, he relented and asked to put the vote on the agenda.


It is noted that the law still needs the signature of the President of the Republic to enter into force. Since the parliament votes for Tamás Sulek as president of Hungary on the same day that Sweden joined NATO, Laszlo Kever, who publicly opposes Sweden's accession, may be deprived of the experience of signing the law authorizing accession as interim head of state. 

Hungarian journalists added that the new head of state will officially take office on March 5.  So the biggest concern is whether Laszlo Kever will sign Sweden's accession in the next eight days. Or will it happen during the new head of state's term

Швеція та Угорщина підпишуть угоду щодо оборонної промисловості перед ратифікацією членства в НАТО - Орбан 23.02.24, 11:04


Earlier UNN wrote with reference to NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg that Sweden would soon become a NATO member. It was noted that the Hungarian Parliament could ratify the Swedish application after the end of the winter holidays in late February.


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