
Hungarian and Romanian populists draw attention to themselves with statements on annexation of Ukrainian regions - Center for Strategic Communications

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The Hungarian and Romanian politicians who have made statements about the annexation of parts of Ukraine are not representatives of the official authorities of their countries. Both governments support the territorial integrity of Ukraine.

The statements of radical Hungarian and Romanian politicians have nothing to do with the official positions of these countries. This was reported by the Center for Strategic Communications, according to UNN.


In the context of statements by far-right politicians from Romania and Hungary about the annexation of Ukraine's western regions, the Center for Strategic Communications reminds that the official positions of the governments of these countries have declared support for Ukraine's territorial integrity.

The statements of Trotskai and Tirziu do not reflect the official position of Hungary and Romania. They are radical populist politicians who are trying to attract attention in this way

- says the Center for Strategic Communications.

The Center reminds that membership in NATO, which includes both countries, implies an unconditional renunciation of territorial claims to other countries and support for the principle of internationally recognized borders. At the same time, NATO membership is called the only effective guarantee of security for Romania and other European countries in the face of russia's attempts to destroy the international order based on respect for the rule of law.

"Румунія була і буде з Україною, поки вона не переможе рф" - прем'єр Чолаку05.12.23, 13:09

The departure of European countries from the principle of respect for territorial integrity could lead to chaos across the continent. In particular, there is a potential for conflict between Hungary and Romania.

Marginal EU politicians are hoping for Ukraine's collapse in vain. Especially since relying on such a scenario poses catastrophic threats to their countries in the first place

- adds the Center for Strategic Communications.


On January 28, Hungarian politician Laszlo Torotskai announced territorial claims to Transcarpathia if Ukraine collapses. A representative of the Romanian AUR party, Claudiu Tirziu, said he was ready to sacrifice Romania's membership in NATO for the annexation of Ukrainian territories.

Угорщина відкрита до використання бюджету ЄС для пакету допомоги Україні - радник Орбана29.01.24, 13:00


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