
"Hey, listen, chairman": Tyshchenko told his version of the events that took place in Dnipro

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MP Mykola Tishchenko, commenting on the incident in Dnipro, said that three men themselves approached and insulted him and his assistant.

MP Mykola Tishchenko, who was placed under house arrest by the court, told his version of the events that occurred in Dnipro. According to him, three guys with a wheelchair approached him and started insulting him and his assistant. Tishchenko stated this during the court session, reports UNN.


I was already returning to the car and young guys were coming to meet me. One was carrying a wheelchair. And they defiantly began to insult me. Hey, listen to me, Chairman. Swear at me. I edited it and made a comment to them: guys, you have a baby, please come. Investigative actions are underway here, you don't need to be here. They picked up their phones as one and started filming me and my assistant. Thus, to bully women and make abuse, because they started recording what she looks like

 - said Tishchenko.


On Thursday, June 20, the network distributed a video in which a group of men in the center of Dnipro attacked a Ukrainian soldier who was walking with a baby. Unidentified unmarked men in balaclavas snatched the child out of the man's hands, handcuffed him and began to beat him.

The video also showed MP Mykola Tishchenko. On Monday, June 25, he was declared suspicious on the fact of illegal imprisonment of a former serviceman in Dnipro.

Побиття ексвійськового у Дніпрі: правоохоронці встановили причетних до інциденту, одного з нападників затримали 25.06.24, 18:05

By the way, the fight in Dnipro was also commented on by a special unit of the Main Intelligence Directorate KRAKEN. It turned out that the victim was a former soldier of the KRAKEN special forces. 


Kyiv's Pechersk District Court sent MP Mykola Tishchenko, who was charged by the state Bureau of Investigation with illegal imprisonment of a former serviceman in Dnipro, under round-the-clock house arrest for a period of 60 days with wearing an electronic bracelet.


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