
Germany announces preparation of coalition's proposal on weapons for Ukraine: chairman of foreign policy committee calls for clear mention of Taurus

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The chairman of the Bundestag's Foreign Affairs Committee called for a clear statement on the delivery of Taurus to Ukraine in the coalition's proposal.

Norbert Rettgen (CDU), chairman of the Bundestag's foreign policy committee, called for a clear statement on the supply of Taurus cruise missiles by Germany in the coalition factions' proposal for long-range weapons systems for Ukraine, UNN reports with reference to tagesschau.


According to ntv, the coalition factions want to jointly call on the federal government in the Bundestag to supply Ukraine with more weapons - "systems that reach far beyond the Russian front line.

It is noted that the draft of the joint coalition proposal does not mention Taurus, the delivery of which German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has so far resisted, by name. The document of the group's leaders, which is available to Stern, refers to "the supply of additional long-range weapons systems and ammunition." As noted, the Bundestag factions are meeting today.

According to Röttgen, his party is not aware of the request yet. But if it clearly states that the Taurus cruise missiles are to be delivered, "I am in favor of accepting it. But if it confuses the wording of the coalition so that they can find their inner peace, then it is not a problem for us," Röttgen told RTL/ntv.

According to Stern, the proposal of the SPD, the Greens and the FDP will be put to a vote in the German parliament this week.

For reference

Olaf Scholz's government was formed by a "traffic light" coalition of Scholz's Social Democratic Party of Germany with the Union 90/Greens and the Free Democratic Party.\

Міністр оборони Німеччини не чув про ідею Великої Британії замінити Taurus на ракети Storm Shadow – BILD25.01.24, 22:10


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