
Georgian Parliament finally passes bill on “LGBT propaganda”

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The Georgian parliament has passed in the final reading the draft law “On Family Values and Protection of Minors,” which bans “LGBT propaganda.” The draft document was voted unanimously by 84 deputies. This was reported by Interpressnewsand UNN

The bill will come into force after being signed by the President of Georgia.

According to the document: 

  • It is not allowed to register an alternative marriage or to create a family, as well as to recognize such a union by a legal act that contradicts the conditions established for marriage by the legislation of Georgia. Such a union registered and recognized abroad will not have legal force in Georgia.
  • It is not allowed  to register or recognize by a legal act a relationship based on sexual orientation, in which at least one person identifies as a gender other than his or her biological sex, or whose sexual orientation does not belong to the category of heterosexuality. According to the draft law, such relationships recognized or registered abroad are not legally binding in Georgia.
  • It is prohibited to adopt a minor by a person who identifies himself/herself by a sex other than his/her biological sex or whose sexual orientation does not belong to the category of heterosexuality.  It is also prohibited to place a minor for upbringing with a person who identifies himself or herself by a gender other than his or her biological sex. 
  • It is not allowed to perform surgery on another person or use any other medical manipulations in order to assign a person to a gender other than his or her biological sex.
  • In an identity document or other document issued by the state, it is not allowed to indicate the sex of a personother than his or her biological sex.
  • It is not allowed to include such information in the educational program of pre-school education, preschool education, general education institution, vocational school/college or higher education institution, as well as to disseminate or facilitate the dissemination of such information by the said institution. 
  • The ban will also apply to broadcasters. In particular, according to the draft law, broadcasters will not be allowed to disseminate information aimed at promoting a person's gender. 
  • It is not allowed to disseminate advertisingaimed at promoting a person's affiliation with a gender other than his or her biological sex, kinship expressed on the basis of sexual orientation, or incest between representatives of the same biological group. 
  • The ban also applies to holding meetings and demonstrations. In particular, public gatherings or demonstrations aimed at promoting the LGBT community will not be allowed. 

The document provides for administrative and criminal liability for violation of all the above requirements.

In accordance with the draft law “On Family Values and Protection of Minors,” May 17 is declared the Day of Family Sanctity and Respect for Parents and will be a day off.


Russia has introduced similar measures against what the Kremlin considers propaganda against traditional values. Last year, Russia outlawed the “international LGBT public movement”. Now, queer people are actually considered extremists there.

The Georgian authorities announced the start of consideration of the initiative a few days after the adoption of the law on foreign agents, which the West calls “Kremlin-inspired” and aimed at civil society and independent media.

The EU has warned that the law on foreign agents will undermine Georgia's chances of joining the community - only six months after the country became a candidate.

Brussels demands that the Georgian government does more to protect human rights, including those of marginalized communities.

США запровадили санкції проти грузинських посадовців і лідерів проросійського руху16.09.24, 20:39

Tatiana Kraevskaya

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