
France summons Russian ambassador amid deaths of French volunteers in Russian strike in Ukraine and spike in disinformation - Reuters

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France summons the Russian ambassador to condemn the Russian drone strike in Ukraine that killed two French aid workers and the spread of Russian disinformation.

France will summon Russia's ambassador on Monday following the deaths of two French humanitarian workers after a Russian strike in Ukraine and what Paris called a surge of Russian disinformation, Reuters reports, citing a French diplomatic source, UNN reports.


Two French volunteers were killed and three others wounded in a Russian drone attack in Kherson region in southern Ukraine on February 1, which French Foreign Minister Stéphane Sejourne called an act of "barbarism.

"France will reiterate its condemnation of the Russian strikes," a diplomatic source said. - "It will also condemn the surge of disinformation against France.

Paris has accused Russia of regularly spreading false information. In late January, it rejected any suggestion that Paris has mercenaries operating in Ukraine, the day after Russian lawmakers passed a resolution condemning French "mercenaries" in Ukraine.

He also accused Russian President Vladimir Putin of passing on false information after suggesting that the missiles that shot down the Russian plane could have been fired by the French air defense system.

"The Foreign Ministry has warned of further disinformation from Russia ahead of President Emmanuel Macron's visit to Ukraine later this month," the newspaper writes.

Just two days after it announced the delivery of new weapons on January 16, Russia's Defense Ministry said its forces had killed about 60 French mercenaries in a strike on a building in Kharkiv.

It did not provide evidence to support this claim, and France denied the allegations.

Макрон і Зеленський відреагували на загибель французьких волонтерів через удар рф по Херсонщині02.02.24, 12:54


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