
Fortifications constructed in Donetsk and Zaporizhzhia sectors stretch for a considerable distance - Tavria Brigade spokesman

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The General Staff demonstrated an extensive system of new engineering fortifications stretching for hundreds of meters along the second line of defense in the Donetsk and Zaporizhzhia sectors and consisting of dozens of strongholds connected by zigzag trenches.

The military demonstrated an extensive system of engineering fortifications on the second line of defense, consisting of dozens of new platoon strongholds with hundreds of meters of zigzag trenches.

This was reported by UNN with reference to the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.


An extensive system of fortifications has emerged in the operational area of the Tavria Operational and Strategic Grouping in the Avdiivka sector.

In the video posted by the General Staff, you can see how the strongholds on the second line of defense have been equipped and are still being built.

According to the explanation, these are, first of all, dozens of new platoon stations with hundreds of meters of zigzag trenches, which include firing cells, blocked gaps, and armor capsules that allow for effective defense and increased safety of personnel.

In addition: caponiers, anti-tank ditches, concrete bunkers, "dragon's teeth" and other fortifications.

These trenches stretch for many hundreds of meters. They have been constructed both in the Donetsk and Zaporizhzhia sectors in the operational area of the Tavria junior military unit. They are being constructed primarily by the regional military administrations, as well as the State Special Transport Service and the Armed Forces and engineering troops.

- says a representative of the Tavria unit

According to Leonid, an officer in the engineer troops, modern warfare dictates new conditions.

В Україні презентували новий морський дрон Sea Baby після збору коштів: може нести понад тонну бойового навантаження06.03.24, 14:54

Previously, unmanned aerial vehicles were seen only in photos, but now they are seen a lot. That's why we're getting used to them

- he notes.

Dmytro Lykhoviy, a spokesman for the Tavria unit, noted that many people may have a prejudiced attitude toward the construction of fortifications.

But soldiers and officers are doing a titanic job of building bunker-like structures and wooden strongholds very close to the front line; they are taking care of our defense day and night

- Mr. Lykhovoy emphasized.


76 combat engagements took place in the Ukrainian frontline on Tuesday. According to the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Russian occupants conducted assault operations in six frontline areas. Like last week, our defenders withstood the most attacks in the Avdiivka and Novopavlivka sectors.

Генштаб: росіяни сунуть на шести напрямках, найінтенсивніші бої тривають на Авдіївському та Новопавлівському04.03.24, 19:48


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