
Ex-MP Irina Sysoenko was detained in the case of fictitious production of documents for "evaders – - source

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Iryna Sysoenko was detained for organizing a large-scale scheme to produce forged disability documents in order to help evaders avoid mobilization.

The Security Service of Ukraine has detained former MP Iryna Sysoyinka, who is involved in a large-scale scheme to evade mobilization. This was reported by UNN with reference to sources in law enforcement agencies.

Sources UNN confirmed that the detained former MP is Iryna Sysoenko, who was in the Rada from the Samopomich party.


According to the SBU, the official organized mass production and the sale of fictitious documents on obtaining a disability group due to occupational diseases. The main clients of the attackers were potential conscripts who planned to use the fake to remove them from the military register and illegally travel abroad.

According to reports, every month the illegal activities of malefactors led by the ex-deputy brought a "profit" of almost 100 thousand US dollars.

As a result of complex measures in Kiev, the organizer of the scheme and her accomplice from the Lviv region were detained "on Goryachy", who gave her a "kickback" in the amount of 32 thousand US dollars.

During searches at the places of work and residence of the defendants, more than UAH 40 million, medical documents and draft records with clients were found.Based on the collected evidence, the organizer of the criminal group and four of its members were informed of suspicion (in accordance with the crimes committed) under two articles of the Criminal Code of Ukraine:

  • Part 3 and Part 4 of Article 368 (acceptance of an offer or receipt of an illegal benefit by an official using the official position granted to him);
  • Part 3 of Article 369-2 (acceptance of an offer, promise or receipt of illegal benefits for yourself or a third party for influencing decision-making by a person authorized to perform state functions).

for Reference

Iryna Sysoenko is a Ukrainian politician from Mykolaiv. She was a people's deputy of the VIII convocation and deputy chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on health. she was elected to the Verkhovna Rada under No. 25 of the list of the party "Samopomich Association". Sysoenko is also known as an honored lawyer of Ukraine.


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