
Defense Ministry: US military aid allowed Ukraine to reduce Russia's advantage in artillery

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According to Ukraine's First Deputy Defense Minister Ivan Havryliuk, with new military aid from the United States, Russia's advantages on the battlefield are gradually diminishing: its advantage in artillery has dropped from 7 to 1 to 5 to 1.

As new packages of military aid from the United States arrive in Ukraine, Russia's advantages on the battlefield are gradually diminishing. This was stated by First Deputy Defense Minister Ivan Havryliuk, writes Associated Press, reports UNN.


The publication noted that new weapons and ammunition have been arriving at the front line since US President Joe Biden signed a large-scale aid package in April.

But it will take weeks, if not months, for Ukraine to fully replenish its depleted reserves.

It takes time to load the ships, which then have to cross the Atlantic. But we are already seeing (the results). At the beginning of the year, Russia's artillery advantage was 7 to 1, but now it has dropped to 5 to 1

 -  are explained by  Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine Ivan Havryliuk.

За словами путіна, на "сво" перебуває майже 700 тисяч росіян14.06.24, 23:17

According to him, Ukraine needs at least 130 F-16 fighter jets to neutralize Russian aviation. Havryliuk expects them to arrive at the end of this year and early next year.

Over time, when we get everything set up, we will achieve superiority in our airspace

- said a representative of the Ministry of Defense.


The AP noted that Kyiv has adopted a "bend but don't break" strategy to buy time until it can deliver more Western weapons and ammunition to the front.

As a result, having ceded some territory, Ukraine was able to fight from a better protected position.


British intelligence has stated that Russia is increasingly centralizing command and control of irregular forces, which is likely to facilitate their use in offensive operations in Ukraine.


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