
ChatGPT answers are as good as those of real students, AI impresses teachers - study

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During a remote psychology exam at the University of Reading, answers generated by ChatGPT artificial intelligence managed to fool the professors. Some of them were rated better than the average answers of real students.

Representatives of the University of Reading, UK, sent artificial intelligence to take exams and, using automatically generated answers, managed to deceive teachers during a remote exam. Writes UNN with reference to BBC.


British researchers from the University of Reading used the ChatGPT bot, one of the leading AI applications, during psychology exams for bachelor's degree applicants at the same university.

It is noted that 33 fake students took part in this exam; the examiners were unaware of this. As it turned out, 94% of the submitted AI answers were accepted without any problems.

Moreover, teachers found that GPT chatbot answers were better than the average answer of a real student in 83% of cases. According to the researchers, this indicates that AI applications such as ChatGPT make remote testing more difficult for educational institutions.

And this already jeopardizes academic integrity, which is why the results of the study were assessed as "extremely disturbing.

ChatGPT отримає доступ до архівів низки ЗМІ для відповідей на запитання користувачів23.05.24, 21:47

Associate Professor Peter Scarfe and Professor Etienne Roche, who led the study, said the following:


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