
Bratchuk: SBU to investigate cases of girls who filmed explosions in Odesa - Bratchuk

 • 71453 переглядiв

The SBU will visit girls in Odesa who filmed and published videos of explosions in the city during air defense.

The girls in Odesa who filmed and posted the explosions in the city will be visited by the Security Service of Ukraine. This was reported by the spokesman for the Ukrainian Volunteer Army "South", the head of the Public Council at the Odesa Regional Military Administration Serhiy Bratchuk in his telegram channel, UNN reports.

Odesa. Our SBU will definitely visit these "bloggers".

-Bratchuk warned.


Earlier , UNN wrotethat a series of explosions occurred in Odesa.

The head of the UDA said that air defense is operating in Odesa and Odesa district. He also reminded that it is forbidden to film the work of our sky defenders.

At 23:09, the air danger was declared over in the region and the city.


The Air Force had previously reported that the enemy had launched a UAV from the Black Sea in the direction of Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi district of Odesa region. Then the "shahids" changed course to Odesa.


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