
Borrell on Russia's night attack: Ukraine urgently needs air defense systems

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Russia launched another massive attack on Ukrainian civilian infrastructure, prompting the EU to urgently call for the strengthening of Ukraine's air defense systems.

EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell commented on Russia's massive attack on Ukraine, emphasizing the need to urgently strengthen Ukraine's air defense. He wrote about this in the social network X, according to UNN.

Last night, Russia launched another massive attack on Ukrainian civilian infrastructure, adding to its long list of war crimes. Ukraine urgently needs adequate air defense systems,

- Borrell wrote.


He noted that strengthening Ukraine's air defense and establishing a Military Assistance Fund for Ukraine will be a priority at the Foreign Affairs Council meeting with the participation of defense ministers.


On the night of May 8, 2024, Russian troops launched a combined attack on Ukraine using 76 air targets - 55 missiles and 21 attack drones, of which 59 were successfully intercepted by Ukrainian air defense systems.

US Ambassador responds to massive attack on Ukraine: "We will hold Russia accountable"5/8/24, 10:51 AM


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