
Border guards shoot down a Russian reconnaissance drone near Toretsk with small arms

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Near Toretsk, Ukrainian border guards shot down a Russian reconnaissance drone with small arms.

Near Toretsk, Ukrainian border guards shot down a Russian reconnaissance drone using small arms. This is reported by UNN with reference to  Luhansk border guard detachment.


Border guards of the "Phoenix" unit destroyed an occupant's "Zala" reconnaissance drone using small arms 

- the post reads. 

The military explained that the drone was designed to conduct aerial reconnaissance and adjust enemy artillery.

Федоров показав універсального робота Vepr, якого використовують Сили оборони 01.07.24, 20:24


Lieutenant Colonel Nazar Voloshyn, spokesman for the Khortytsia unit, said that June was a much more active and tense month compared to May. According to him, during the month in the  Eastern Operational Zone , the Ukrainian Armed Forces killed more than 31,000 Russian occupants.


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