
Biden honors fallen US soldiers on Memorial Day

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Biden honored fallen U.S. soldiers on Memorial Day by attending a ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery and delivering a speech emphasizing the sacrifices made by military personnel to protect freedom and democracy.

U.S. President Joe Biden marked Memorial Day by greeting military leaders, veterans and Gold Star families at the White House and then delivering a speech at a ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery on Monday. This was reported on the White House website, UNN reports.


He also addressed the governors of Arkansas, Kentucky, Oklahoma, and Texas, expressing condolences for the 21 people who died and dozens were injured in tornadoes this holiday weekend.

Memorial Day, a holiday honoring the sacrifices made by soldiers throughout the country's history, marks the beginning of summer in the United States, and traditionally the president attends ceremonies in Arlington.

On Monday, Biden was joined by Vice President Kamala Harris and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin at the military cemetery, where he laid a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier before delivering a speech to the gathering.

Biden told the audience that America's military personnel have made great sacrifices so that the United States can strive to become a "more perfect union," reminding them that this is what they lived and died for.

Freedom has never been guaranteed. Every generation has to earn it, fight for it, and defend it

Biden said, referring to the struggle “between autocracy and democracy,” as well as “between the greed of the few and the rights of the people.

Байден назвав путіна "жорстоким тираном"26.05.24, 17:03


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