
Azov fighters drive Russian occupants out of positions in Serebryansky forest in Luhansk region

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Soldiers of the 12th Azov Special Forces Brigade, after exhausting battles that lasted more than a month, managed to drive the Russian occupiers from their positions in the Serebryany Forestry in Luhansk region.

After exhausting battles, the fighters of the 12th Special Forces Brigade "Azov" managed to drive the occupiers from their positions in Serebryansk forestry in Luhansk region. This was stated by one of the Azov commanders Svyatoslav Palamar ("Kalyna"), UNN reports.


According to him,  the soldiers of his unit were eliminating Russians in this area of the frontline 24/7 for a month. They also prevented the Russians from advancing in the direction of Terny.

The occupiers have retreated in the Serebryanske forestry" - this is how some media write. You can also write in human terms - they lost their positions, or the Defense Forces knocked the orcs out of their positions, if you don't want to name the unit behind this "retreat." And how else can you write in a veiled way about how the 12th Special Forces Brigade "Azov" has been knocking out orcs every day, every hour for months?

- the post says.

Військова допомога від США дозволила Україні скоротити перевагу рф в артилерії - Міноборони 15.06.24, 16:46


The information about the advance of the Defense Forces in Serebryanske forestry is also confirmed by the DeepState project . The team has already made changes to the interactive map of the Russian-Ukrainian war, which shows the loss of Russian positions in the Luhansk region. 


Czech Foreign Minister Jan Lipavsky said that the ammunition purchased under the Czech initiative is already arriving in Ukraine. 


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