
Armor of Bohdan's cockpit can withstand a direct hit from a Russian Lancet drone

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Ukraine's 2S22 Bogdana self-propelled artillery system on a wheeled chassis, designed for the NATO 155 mm caliber, has an armored cabin that can withstand a direct hit from a Russian Lancet kamikaze drone, ensuring the safety of the crew.

"2S22 Bohdana is the first Ukrainian self-propelled artillery system on a wheeled chassis. The armor of the howitzer's cockpit can withstand a direct hit from a Russian Lancet kamikaze drone, which ensures the safety of the crew. This was reported by the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, UNN reports.

"The 2S22 Bohdana is the first Ukrainian self-propelled artillery system on a wheeled chassis designed for the NATO-standard 155-millimeter caliber. The armor of the howitzer's cockpit can withstand a direct hit from a Russian Lancet kamikaze drone, which ensures the safety of the crew," the Defense Ministry said.

It is noted that it was first used in combat in 2022, and officially adopted in 2023.

In December 2023, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy announced an increase in the production of Bohdan air defense systems to six units per month.


In February , the Ministry of Defense reportedthat due to the joint work of the Ukrainian government, it managed to increase the production of weapons with partners, which confirms such results as the production of 105 mm L119 howitzers in Ukraine (jointly with BAE Systems); production of Lynx and Fuchs armored combat vehicles (jointly with Rheinmetal), as well as other agreements.


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