
Argentina joins international coalition for return of Ukrainian children - Lubinets

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Verkhovna Rada Commissioner for Human Rights Dmytro Lubinets said that Argentina has joined the International Coalition for the return of Ukrainian children illegally deported by Russia.

Argentina has joined the International Coalition for the return of Ukrainian children illegally deported by Russia. This was stated by Commissioner of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for Human Rights Dmytro Lubinets, reports UNN.


According to him, the Ukrainian delegation recently visited Argentina, where it held high-level meetings calling for joining the international coalition.

Argentina has joined the International Coalition for the return of Ukrainian children. I am sincerely grateful to Argentina for its support and for this important decision! Despite the long distance between us, we are close in values on the importance of returning home all deported children

Lubinets wrote.

Офіс Омбудсмана запропонував країнам Латинської Америки приєднатися до коаліції за повернення депортованих українських дітей20.05.24, 15:28

For reference 

The international Coalition for the return of Ukrainian children was founded jointly by Ukraine and Canada in early February 2024. As noted by Canadian Foreign Minister Melanie Joly, Ottawa will engage the network around the world and talk to many countries and from there will receive information about where children are located in a certain way.

Since February, 37 countries have joined this international coalition, including all members of the group of seven. 


In March, The United States of America joined the international coalition for the return of Ukrainian children, which was created by Ukraine and Canada.


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