
A mother who drowned her two young sons was found insane

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A 42-year-old woman from the Rivne region who drowned her two children, aged six and seven, in a quarry in 2023 may be placed in a psychiatric institution, as a forensic psychiatric examination found her insane.

According to the conclusions of the forensic psychiatric examination, the woman who drowned her family in the quarry in the Rivne region in the summer of last year was found to be insane. This is reported by the Police of the Rivne region, UNN reports.


On January 26, investigators of the Varas District Police Department completed a pre-trial investigation into the premeditated murder of two minors by their 42-year-old mother. According to the conclusions of the forensic psychiatric examination and a number of procedures, the resident of the village of Sopachiv was found insane.

The criminal proceedings were submitted to the court with a request to apply a compulsory medical measure against the suspect, which provides for her placement in a specialized institution to receive psychiatric care under strict supervision.


On August 23, 2023, a 42-year-old resident of the village of Sopachiv in the Rivne region drowned her young children in a local quarry.

First, the woman took the younger boy's head with her hand, dipped him into the water, and held him until he stopped showing signs of life. Then she took the older boy by the hand, forced him to a wooden platform and pushed him into the water, knowing for sure that he could not swim

 - said police spokeswoman Yulia Dudnik.

На Рівненщині жінку, яка втопила двох синів, відправили під варту на 60 діб25.08.23, 17:17 • [views_774555]

Julia Kotvitskaya

Crimes and emergencies


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