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Enemy attacked the south with more than 270 drones in December - Gumenyuk

In December, the enemy carried out more than 270 drone attacks in southern Ukraine; the most intense attack took place on December 14, when 39 drones were shot down.

War • December 26 2023, 10:17 AM  •  24715 views
Enemy attacked the south with more than 270 drones in December -  Gumenyuk

The largest didukh trident in Ukraine installed in Kyiv for Christmas

The largest didukh trident in Ukraine, 7. 41 meters high, was installed in Kyiv, symbolizing national identity and traditions.

Business News • December 26 2023, 10:12 AM  •  22603 views
The largest didukh trident in Ukraine installed in Kyiv for Christmas

The EU has allocated 2.4 billion euros for humanitarian aid around the world: Ukraine with countries in the region is on the 4th place

The EU has allocated 2. 4 billion euros for humanitarian aid around the world

Society • December 26 2023, 10:11 AM  •  29532 views
The EU has allocated 2.4 billion euros for humanitarian aid around the world: Ukraine with countries in the region is on the 4th place

Drone Army eliminates almost 400 Russian strongholds in a week

Over the past week, the Ukrainian military destroyed nearly 400 Russian strongholds and more than a hundred pieces of occupiers' equipment using UAVs from the "Army of Drones".

War • December 26 2023, 10:03 AM  •  26631 views
Drone Army eliminates almost 400 Russian strongholds in a week

A drunk driver hits a woman and a schoolgirl at a crosswalk in Lutsk

In Lutsk, a drunk driver hit a woman and a schoolgirl; both victims were hospitalized.

Crimes and emergencies • December 26 2023, 09:55 AM  •  27129 views
  A drunk driver hits a woman and a schoolgirl at a crosswalk in Lutsk

Demchenko on the situation at the unblocked Shehynya crossing point: we see an increase in the number of trucks crossing the border

Traffic at the Shehyni checkpoint has increased: 700 trucks are queuing up after the blockade was lifted. Polish farmers lifted the blockade of the Medyka-Shehyni checkpoint on December 24.

Society • December 26 2023, 09:49 AM  •  30595 views
Demchenko on the situation at the unblocked Shehynya crossing point: we see an increase in the number of trucks crossing the border

This is a one-way game. The lawyer spoke about the conflict between the HCJ and the Supreme Court

The lawyer on the frontline calls for legislative changes to define clear grounds for reviewing decisions of the High Council of Justice by the Supreme Court, criticizing the current system of "one-way street".

Crimes and emergencies • December 26 2023, 09:47 AM  •  210996 views
  This is a one-way game. The lawyer spoke about the conflict between the HCJ and the Supreme Court

A gas explosion occurs in an apartment in Kharkiv, a person is injured

One person was injured in a gas explosion in a Kharkiv apartment.

Crimes and emergencies • December 26 2023, 09:40 AM  •  26105 views
A gas explosion occurs in an apartment in Kharkiv, a person is injured

Kuleba: EU will approve decision to allocate 50 billion euros for Ukraine without Hungary

Ukraine is expected to receive 50 billion euros from the EU, despite Hungary's position that it is trying to maintain unity or continue without Hungary.

Economy • December 26 2023, 09:39 AM  •  33257 views
Kuleba: EU will approve decision to allocate 50 billion euros for Ukraine without Hungary

Blockade on the border with Poland: more than 3 thousand trucks in line, the worst situation at Yahodyn

More than 3,000 trucks are stuck at Ukrainian border crossings, half of them at the Yahodyn checkpoint.

Society • December 26 2023, 09:31 AM  •  31020 views
Blockade on the border with Poland: more than 3 thousand trucks in line, the worst situation at Yahodyn