
Zelenskyy meets with Stoltenberg at NATO headquarters: they discussed preparations for the Washington summit

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President Zelenskyy met with NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg to discuss preparations for the Washington NATO summit, looking forward to decisions on strengthening NATO's role in coordinating security assistance, training for the Ukrainian military, and long-term financial support for Ukraine.

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy met with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg to discuss preparations for the Washington NATO Summit, UNN reports.

"NATO Headquarters. I met with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg. The key focus was on preparations for the NATO Washington Summit. We expect a decision to strengthen the Alliance's role in coordinating security assistance and training for the Ukrainian military, as well as long-term financial commitments for stable support for Ukraine," Zelenskyy said.

He also thanked Jens Stoltenberg for his efforts to consolidate allied support for Ukraine, including strengthening capabilities to protect Ukrainian skies.

Зеленський привітав Рютте із затвердженням на посаді Генсека НАТО і очікує продовження спільної роботи26.06.24, 13:19


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