
Zelenskyy discusses Ukrainian-Polish relations, air defense and peace summit with Polish Senate Marshal

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President Zelenskyy met with the Marshal of the Polish Senate to discuss inter-parliamentary relations, the situation in Kharkiv, strengthening Ukraine's air defense, preparations for the Peace Summit, and Ukraine's negotiations with the EU.

He met with Polish Senate Marshal Malgorzata Kidawa-Bląska. During the meeting, they discussed the development of interparliamentary relations, the situation in the Kharkiv region, strengthening the air defense system, preparations for the Peace Summit in Switzerland, and Ukraine's negotiations with the EU. This was reported by the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy, UNN reports.


President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy had a meeting with Marshal of the Senate of the Republic of Poland Malgorzata Kidawa-Błonska. The Head of State expressed gratitude for the military and financial assistance provided by Poland since the first days of the full-scale Russian invasion and emphasized the importance of the Polish Senate's resolutions in support of Ukraine.

It is very important that your society has been warm to Ukraine and Ukrainians since the first days when we needed help. We count on your support. We are also defending democracy and freedom for Poland, our neighbor. I am confident that we will win, and I believe it will be our common victory 

- Volodymyr Zelenskyy thanked .

During the meeting, the two sides emphasized the importance of further dynamic development of the dialogue between the parliaments of Ukraine and Poland.

President Zelenskyy also spoke about the situation in the Kharkiv region, where there is constant shelling with missiles, drones and bombs by the aggressor state of Russia. They discussed cooperation with Poland to strengthen the air defense system in Ukraine.

Particular attention was paid to the preparation of the inaugural Peace Summit in Switzerland and the bilateral security agreement within the framework of the G7 Vilnius Declaration.

The two sides also exchanged views on the start of negotiations between Ukraine and the European Union, in particular on the importance of the future Polish presidency for the realization of Ukraine's priorities on its way to the EU.

Кулеба обговорив Саміт миру та Кримську платформу з маршалком Сенату Польщі 24.05.24, 19:05


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