
Zelensky called the president of Peru for the first time: he urged to take part in the peace summit

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Zelensky held his first telephone conversation with Peruvian President Boluarte, inviting her to attend a peace summit in Switzerland. This, he said, will strengthen the representation of Latin America.

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky held the first telephone conversation with President of Peru Dini Boluarte. During the conversation, Zelensky invited Baluarte to take part in the peace summit to be held in Switzerland. This was announced by the Ukrainian President in his social networks, reports UNN

I am glad to have my first telephone conversation with the president of Peru. I thanked Dina Baluarte for concrete steps in support of Ukraine, its sovereignty and territorial integrity

- the president wrote on Telegram.

Zelensky recalled that Peru voted for key UN resolutions and the termination of Russia's status as a permanent observer to the OAS. 

"I called for taking another step in support of Ukraine and a just peace – to take part in the Peace Summit in Switzerland. This will strengthen the representation of Latin America," the head of state said. 

He also invited the president of Peru to Ukraine at an opportunity.

Кулеба: "Робота для забезпечення максимально широкої участі в Саміті миру і його успіху йде повним ходом"05.06.24, 14:18


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