
When will the smoke stop in Kyiv - forecast of Ukrainian Weather Center

 • 15639 переглядiв

Fires in a number of regions of the country, combined with a change in wind direction, have caused smoke in Kyiv. Provided there are no fires in certain regions of the country, the smoke will recede from the capital in the coming days. This was reported by Natalia Ptukha, a spokeswoman for the Ukrainian Weather Center, during a briefing at the Media Center Ukraine, UNN reports.


Explaining the reasons for the smoke in the capital, Ptukha noted that "the fire-hazardous period continues, and in some places there are still fires, and even if they are extinguished, smoke may continue." "The most striking case was on Friday, on that day the wind direction changed. (...) The north of Kyiv region, the north of Chernihiv and Sumy regions - it was from these regions that smoke from the remnants of fires, and sometimes from the fires themselves, came to the territory of Kyiv region. We got into the smoke plume," Ptukha said.

At the same time, she noted that the smoke cannot be of the same intensity all the time, because rescuers are actively fighting it and localizing it as much as possible.

"It is the smoke that will be in Kyiv in the coming days, if there are no fires in the south, in the central regions, then the smoke will move away from Kyiv. All the fires that are still burning in the northern regions - Kyiv, Sumy, Chernihiv - will now go in the other direction, i.e. not towards Kyiv. So we expect the situation to improve," Ptukha said.

Air quality has deteriorated in Kyiv: it is advised to close windows and not to stay outside23.09.24, 09:14 • [views_17739]


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