
UZ has found a way to reduce electricity consumption: they will adjust the commuter train schedule

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Ukrzaliznytsia is temporarily adjusting the timetable of 74 suburban electric trains across Ukraine to reduce electricity consumption and avoid power outages, while maintaining the most important railway connection for commuter train passengers.

Ukrzaliznytsia is joining the economy of electricity consumption by introducing a number of measures. In order for Ukraine to survive and avoid a blackout, railway workers are temporarily making changes to the schedule of suburban electric trains, reports UNN with reference to the statement of UZ.


Thus, Ukrzaliznytsia temporarily adjusts the traffic schedules of 74 suburban electric trains throughout Ukraine during June. The changes will not affect critical electric trains that provide transportation of the population to work and back.

In other words, some trains will temporarily not run, and some will change the frequency or their route will be restricted. But Ukrzaliznytsia will make every effort to maintain railway communication between all localities. The first changes in the schedule took place on June 7 in certain directions of the Lviv and Pridneprovskaya Railways. Later, the corresponding changes will be introduced on the South-Western and Southern Railways.


The company reminded that Ukrzaliznytsia is one of the largest companies operating the electricity distribution system and supplies it both for its own needs, as well as for the population and industry. In addition, the company is one of the largest consumers of electricity in the country.

"In the situation that has developed in the country's energy system after enemy terrorist attacks, railway workers are trying to help power engineers restore electricity generation," the report says.

Ukrzaliznytsia also plans to implement projects for electricity generation in different regions of Ukraine.

"We are talking about dozens of distributed generation facilities with a total capacity of up to 250 MW. This will partially cover the power needs of critical infrastructure facilities of Ukrzaliznytsia, as well as consumers throughout Ukraine who are connected to the company's distribution network. Currently, the company is looking for sources of funding, in particular, negotiations are underway to attract grants and international financial assistance. Consultations with equipment suppliers are also continuing, " the company added.

In addition, UZ urged passengers to clarify information about the movement of electric trains at ticket offices, information services, on the official websites of Ukrzaliznytsia and regional branches.

"Ukrzaliznytsia is closely monitoring the situation with energy supply and, if the situation improves and the limits increase, will gradually restore the movement of suburban electric trains," the report says.

As previously reported, Ukrzaliznytsia, in order to reduce electricity consumption, turned off the lighting of facades and certain areas of the country's largest railway stations, in particular Kiev, Lviv, Dnipro, Odessa and Kharkiv, during peak hours.


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