
US Senate prepares bill on sanctions against Georgian politicians due to the law on foreign agents - media

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The U.S. Senate is preparing a bipartisan bill that would impose sanctions on Georgian politicians responsible for passing the law on foreign agents. Politico writes about it, UNN reports.


The initiative is to be registered in the Senate today. Its authors are Senators Jeanne Shaheen (Democrat from New Hampshire) and Jim Risch (Republican from Idaho). The document is called the Georgian People's Act.

Венеціанська комісія забракувала грузинський закон про іноагентів: як відреагувала правляча партія Грузії21.05.24, 21:54

The draft law provides for visa restrictions and other sanctions against Georgian politicians who "impeded the country's Euro-Atlantic integration", were found guilty of corruption and human rights violations, and promoted or participated in the adoption of the law on foreign agents.

It also calls for a permanent end to the strategic dialogue between the United States and Georgia. Within its framework, the two countries worked together on security and democracy issues.

At the same time, the bill proposes to allocate at least $50 million "to support democracy and rule of law projects in Georgia." Another proposal is to launch an investigation into "foreign harmful influence" in the country.

Грузії можуть не підтвердити статус кандидата в члени ЄС, якщо уряд не відкличе законопроєкт "про іноагентів" - Foreign Policy22.05.24, 17:25


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