
UK to provide Ukraine with more than 10 thousand drones - Shapps

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The United Kingdom will allocate 125 million pounds to purchase more than 10,000 drones, including attack, reconnaissance and maritime drones, for Ukraine from leading British defense companies.

The UK will allocate 125 million pounds to purchase more than 10,000 drones for Ukraine. This was announced by British Defense Secretary Grant Shapps, who is on a visit to Kyiv, UNN reports with reference to the BBC.

According to the publication, the supply package will include FPV drones, attack UAVs, as well as reconnaissance and maritime drones.

Посилення ППО та налагодження спільного виробництва зброї: Зеленський зустрівся з міністром оборони Британії07.03.24, 21:31

In February, London announced that it would lead an international coalition to supply drones to Ukraine.

According to Shapps, the latest drones will come directly from the UK's leading defense companies - straight from the factories to the front line.

"I call on international partners to join the UK in this effort," Shapps said.

Умєров та Сирський зустрілись з міністром оборони Британії: говорили про ситуацію на фронті та потреби Сил оборони07.03.24, 20:13

"The Ukrainian Armed Forces are using the weapons provided by the UK with unprecedented effectiveness, including destroying almost 30% of the Russian Black Sea Fleet," the British Defense Secretary emphasized.


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