
Trump may dump Vance in favor of Nikki Haley - former Clinton adviser

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A former Clinton adviser suggests that Trump may dump Vance in favor of Nikki Haley as a vice presidential candidate. This may be an attempt to attract undecided voters, although Trump himself publicly supports Vance.

A former adviser to former US President Bill Clinton suggests that former President Donald Trump may exclude Senator J.D. Vance from his vice presidential choice, Newsweek reports, according to UNN.


Rumors that Trump was suffering from "buyer's remorse" after choosing Vance as his running mate in the 2024 election spread after US President Joe Biden dropped out of the race and endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris as the likely Democratic presidential candidate.

Although Trump has publicly insisted that he is pleased with Vance, saying the senator is "doing a fantastic job" and has been "very well received" by the public during an interview with Fox News on Thursday, concerns remain about what the Ohio senator can do for Republicans in November.

Трамп оголосив Джей Ді Венса своїм кандидатом на посаду віце-президента США15.07.24, 22:45

Paul Begala, who served as a White House adviser and chief strategist during Clinton's successful 1992 campaign, suggested during an appearance on CNN on Thursday night that Trump may decide to dump Vance in favor of former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley.

Begala said that Haley is "campaigning" for the vice presidency and that the Democrats have already "set a precedent" by changing their list.

"There is a non-zero chance that the Republicans will withdraw their vice presidential candidate," Begala said.

Begala went on to speculate on "what kind of race we would have had" if Trump had chosen Haley over Vance, arguing that she would be a "bridge" to potential undecided voters desired by both parties.

"Trump is not good with long-term relationships," Begala summarized. - "And he's not going to stay with JD.

In response to Newsweek's request for comment on Begala's prediction, Trump/Vance campaign spokesman Stephen Chang said that "there's a reason Paul Beluga (quote) is no longer getting paid for his political advice.

While Haley may be more appealing to undecided voters than Vance, the publication notes that her status as the last Republican to oppose Trump in the primaries, when the former president often referred to her as "bird brains," may make this scenario unlikely.

Haley endorsed Trump last week at the Republican National Convention. However, she warned Republicans during the campaign earlier this year that if Trump became the GOP nominee, it would lead to a Democratic victory in November. In May, Trump said that Haley was "not being considered" as his vice presidential candidate.

Джей Ді Венс офіційно став кандидатом у віце-президенти США від Трампа18.07.24, 11:44

Trump's decision to choose Vance as his running mate, which was announced less than 48 hours after the former president survived an assassination attempt, raised concerns about the attractiveness of the Republican ticket to women after Biden's decision to drop out of the race, the newspaper notes.

Vance has faced backlash for previously expressing support for a national ban on abortion. The Ohio senator and Trump, who often boasts of appointing Supreme Court justices who overturned Roe v. Wade, have tried to tone down their rhetoric on abortion before the election, the newspaper writes.

The senator also once suggested that the country was run by "childless cat ladies who are unhappy with their own lives," a comment that has since been condemned by women on both ends of the political spectrum, the newspaper notes.

Кандидат у віцепрезиденти США від Трампа: що Джей Ді Венс говорив про Україну16.07.24, 10:25


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