
Tomorrow, hourly power outage schedules will be in effect in Ukraine - Ukrenergo

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On May 16, scheduled hourly power outages will be introduced throughout Ukraine for residential and industrial consumers to ensure the safe operation of the power grid.

On Thursday, May 16, scheduled restrictions - hourly blackout schedules (HBS) - will be in effect for household and industrial consumers throughout Ukraine. This was stated by Ukrenergo, UNN reports.


Starting from 00:00 and throughout the day on May 16, scheduled restrictions - hourly outage schedules (HOS) - will be in effect for household and industrial consumers throughout Ukraine . This will help to make controlled outages more predictable for consumers and the operation of the power system safer 

- the energy company said in a statement .

It is noted that Ukrenergo's dispatch center has already informed regional power distribution companies of consumption limits for each region. 

Підготуватися, але не панікувати: в Yasno не виключають впровадження графіків відключень15.05.24, 20:18

You can get information on how consumption restrictions will work in your region in the consumer's account, on the official websites of regional power distribution companies, as well as on their social media pages.  

The reason for the restrictions is the increase in electricity consumption during the cold snap. The capacity of Ukrainian power plants is insufficient due to the consequences of five missile and drone attacks by Russia on the Ukrainian power system since March 22

- Ukrenergo explained.

The company assures that the scope of restrictions is evenly distributed across all regions. Power supply to critical infrastructure facilities is not restricted.


Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal has instructed the Ministry of Energy and the Ministry of Infrastructure to approve schedules for repairs of energy facilities and steps to strengthen their protection before the start of the 2024/25 heating season.

Галущенко про ситуацію в енергосистемі: влітку буде складна ситуація12.05.24, 18:12


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