
This is about political competition, not war: Podoliak on "statements" about Zaluzhny's resignation

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The OP responded to the "statements" about Zaluzhny's resignation and noted that "there is a certain stagnation along the front line and people are definitely looking for some kind of information reasons to stir up society and get some kind of "hype".

Advisor to the Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine Mykhailo Podolyak commented on the information about the resignation of the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Valeriy Zaluzhnyi, which was spread on Monday evening. According to him, such "statements" indicate the desire of some people to get a hype, reports UNN.

"This is not the first time we have discussed certain speculative topics. We have a certain stagnation along the front line, and people are definitely looking for some kind of information in order to stir up society and get some kind of hype. But let's look at it differently... For me, it looks mysterious. After all, this is the President's vertical, the President's manager, I mean the Chief of Staff. I'm speaking in general. This is his vertical and he is directly in charge of the war within the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, and he can certainly treat certain subordinates, setting them certain tasks, obtaining certain results, evaluating these results, and so on. To be honest, I have always not quite understood what the problem is here. It's not a political process, it's not a political competition, it's a war. We have to assess what is happening today, we have to assess the effectiveness of certain actions. We have to evaluate scenario plans for tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, we have to evaluate the possibility of receiving certain material and technical assistance from partner countries, we have to evaluate the war scenario as a whole, what technological solutions we need," Podoliak said on We-Ukraine.

Зеленський збирався звільнити Залужного через розбіжності щодо мобілізації -The Washington Post31.01.24, 16:11

According to him, on Monday it became clear that it was still about political competition, not war.

Зеленський відкликав звільнення Залужного з посади Главкома після реакції громадськості – Financial Times31.01.24, 00:13

"On Monday, we saw not so much about the war as about political competition. And for me, this is strange. Because during the war, political competition, especially at the level of the army, generals and politicians, somehow looks so-so. But there is an official refutation of this information," the advisor to the head of the OP emphasized.


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