
"They will break their teeth": Kuleba on the statements of Hungarian far-right forces that "claim" Transcarpathia

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Hungarian far-right politicians said they would "claim" Ukraine's Zakarpattia region if Ukraine loses the war with Russia. In response, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Kuleba said that these politicians would "break their teeth" in Ukraine, just as Putin did.

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba said that Hungarian far-right politicians who claimed to be in charge of Transcarpathia would "break their teeth". Kuleba said this during a joint press conference with the head of the OP Andriy Yermak and Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto, a correspondent of UNN reports.

As for the threats that have been made. Of course, you have heard Peter's words about the government's position, respect for territorial integrity, and support for Ukraine. We understand that not everyone wants good relations between the countries. That is why yesterday we heard statements on this topic from Hungary. But if Putin has cut his teeth on Ukraine, some Hungarian politicians who make such statements will cut their teeth even more. 

- Kuleba said.

Угорщина просить Україну повернути угорській нацменшині усі ті права, що були до 2015 року - Сіярто29.01.24, 18:49


The leader of the Hungarian far-right party Mi Hazánk said that they will "claim" the Transcarpathian region of Ukraine if Ukraine loses the war with Russia. At the same time, the Hungarian far-right political force supports an immediate ceasefire in Ukraine and the path of negotiations.


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