
Ukrainian Defense Forces destroyed the core of the Russian army, which the Kremlin spent 15 years forming - Reznikov

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The Ukrainian Defense Forces have destroyed the professional core of the Russian army, which the Russian Federation spent 15 years forming, said former Defense Minister of Ukraine Oleksii Reznikov.

The Ukrainian Defense Forces destroyed the professional core of the Russian army, which the Russian Federation spent 15 years forming. About this in speech at a meeting called How to Defeat an Autocracy? Lessons from Ukraine's Defense Against Russia's Invasion and held at the WoodrowWilsonCenter, said former Minister of Defense of Ukraine Oleksii Reznikov, writes UNN.

"The Ukrainian Defense Forces have destroyed the professional core of the Russian army. The Kremlin spent hundreds of billions of dollars and 15 years after Putin's famous Munich speech (a reference to the speech of Russian dictator Vladimir Putin at the Munich Security Conference on February 10, 2007. The speech was devoted to the unipolarity of modern world politics, the vision of Russia's place and role in the modern world, taking into account current realities and threats – ed.) for the training of this army," Reznikov said.

The ex-minister recalled that we are talking about hundreds of thousands of Russian soldiers and tens of thousands of pieces of military equipment – the Kremlin has probably lost more than 400 thousand people in manpower alone, which is confirmed by research and Western, namely, British analysts. In addition, the Russian Federation has lost the flagship cruiser Moskva and a number of other warships in the Black Sea, unique radar reconnaissance aircraft, and strategic bombers that Russia can no longer produce. He also recalled that thanks to the American Patriot systems, Ukraine was able to shoot down advanced Russian missiles such as Kinzhal, and thanks to Western weapons, advanced Russian air defense systems are being destroyed. Moreover, as Reznikov noted, these systems were destroyed in front of the countries that bought these systems - China, India, Turkey.

"We have destroyed the resources that Russia has been using since Soviet times. The Kremlin's military potential, which poses a threat to Europe, NATO and all free countries, has been dramatically undermined," Reznikov stated.

Это последняя обычная война на земном шаре – Резников02.06.2024, 11:59


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